Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I take the farmland concept, change the soup can into hot air balloon a boy and a girl going on a trip with hot air ballon in above the farm.

Monday, August 29, 2011

my concept

1. focus on Music, Beat, Hip-hop, Catchy eye movement.
Have all the Campbell soup can in different color background, use Andy Warhol's art style, portray the idea.

2. focus on happiness, Childhood, adventure.
A boy or girl, found a campbell soup at farm, he opens up, the soup and noodle bring him into the sky, he is having a good time with soup. whenever he drink the soup he see something happen in the farm, like the chicken in the farm turn into campbell soup.

3. focus on storytelling, comdy, acting.
a boy sit in his room, his mom brings him a soup at his work desk in the early morning, when he tastes the soup, he turns into a giant Rooster, and start yelling and wake everybody in the family.